Measuring Customer Experience & Loyalty is getting easier

Happy employees working on a laptop.

Unlock valuable insights into your customer’s needs and preferences and measure the impact of your Customer Experience (CX) strategies.

Pobuca Experience Cloud makes it possible!

Pobuca Experience Cloud uses the latest AI technology to analyze customer feedback from multiple channels and calculate CX and Loyalty metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).

Happy employees working on a laptop.

What does Pobuca Experience Cloud allow you to do?

  • Collect and process customer feedback from various sources, such as phone, social media, chat, and email, using natural language analysis.

  • Calculate CX and Loyalty metrics, such as First Time Response, Chat Abandonment Rate, Positive to Negative Social Media Comment Sentiment Ratio

  • Compare your CX metrics with industry benchmarks and competitor tracking.

  • Use advanced analytics and insights to identify and prioritize customer pain points and areas of improvement.

How to AI-measure CX & Loyalty with Pobuca Experience Cloud

A computer showing CX diagrams and piecharts.
      • AI-powered text analytics, such as Natural Language Understanding and emotion analysis, to mine unstructured customer feedback and extract meaningful insights.
      • AI-powered voice analytics, such as speech recognition and sentiment analysis, transcribe and analyze call recordings and reveal customer sentiment, emotion, and intent.
      • AI-powered recommendations and automation to improve your CX continuously and proactively.
      • AI-powered dashboards and reports to monitor and measure your CX performance in real-time and across multiple channels.

Pobuca Experience Cloud benefits


Identify CX issues easier and find ways to resolve them faster and more efficiently, enhancing satisfaction.


Be heard in real-time and when they decide to communicate with business, avoiding the survey fatigue.


Use real-time insights on CX performance to proactively improve your CX and take action where necessary.

Measuring CX & Loyalty is important for your business

Customer Experience and Loyalty are the key drivers of your business growth and resilience.


of customers walk away after just one bad experience.


of buyers will pay more for a better Customer Experience.


increase in profitability thanks to customer loyalty.


increase in sales


improvement in customer


boost employee

Measuring CX needs more than just survey-based metrics

Measuring Customer Experience and Loyalty is not an easy task and you cannot rely only on surveys.

Surveys represent only a small percentage (7%) of your customer’s voice and may not reflect their real-time needs and expectations. You need to harness the power of AI to analyze unstructured customer feedback, such as call recordings, chat logs, emails, social media, and product reviews, which contain rich and valuable information about your customer’s experiences.



of the customer voice
is represented
 by surveys.



of CX leaders
are fully satisfied
with how their company is measuring CX.



of CX leaders think that
surveys allow them to address the root causes
of performance



of C-level execs 
trust their CX metrics
for strategic & tactical 
decision making.

Source: 2020 McKinsey Customer Experience Survey, conducted in collaboration with AlphaSights and Gerson Lehman Group


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